Gwen Lohmann is a senior graduating from the University of Denver in June 2021, majoring in Finance and Business Information & Analytics. At the University of Denver, she is involved with Finance Club, Women in Business Club, Gamma Phi Beta Sorority, and is an athletic tutor. She will be graduating with a distinction from the Daniels School of Business. Gwen wrote a senior thesis on the real effective exchange rate, imports, exports, and company investments. The topic of the thesis was chosen due to her passion and enjoyment of multinational finance and foreign exchange trading. Her interest in finance stems from the excitement of the everchanging industry, integrated analysis, and fundamental rule of risk versus reward. She hopes to continue a career in wealth management, where she will enjoy using financial knowledge to help others reach their financial goals.
Irina Khindanova, PhD
Irina Khindanova is a teaching associate professor in the Reiman School of Finance at the Daniels College of Business, University of Denver. Irina has taught finance and economics courses, researched on financial risk management, financial modeling, and international investments. She has also consulted on financial modeling and corporate finance topics.
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