AABRI 2024/2025 Virtual Conference
AABRI Virtual Conference 2024 connecting the academic world
Location - Online, open access, asynchronous
Registration Window - Registration for the 2024 AABRI Virtual Conference from today through December 31, 2024.
AABRI 2024 Virtual Conference Information
Conference Registration

Conference Presentations and Proceedings

Participating in the AABRI 2024 Virtual Conference offers authors the following advantages:

The ability to present your research to an international audience without the necessity of traveling, thereby reducing both risk and expense.

Feedback is the reason we present at conferences. Each presentation accepted to the AABRI Virtual Conference is provided its own webpage with a comments section built in. All new conference registrations are required to view and comment on three presentations prior to registration confirmation. All conference participants are contacted via email to notify them of new registrations (when applicable) on a monthly basis. These steps help insure continuous and consistent commenting.

The conference runs online continuously from Today through December 31, 2024. Presentations are online providing for continuous, asynchronous participation of all participants and other interested parties. You do not need to be online to receive comments. AABRI Virtual Conference connecting the academic world

The online virtual presentations and proceedings are online permanently (unless the author(s) have them removed or are removed for a violation of AABRI Publication Policies).

Just as with on-sight AABRI conferences, authors may submit their completed conference manuscripts for journal review in one of AABRI's ten peer-reviewed journals. The review service charge is waived for conference participants (normal publication service charges apply if accepted).

The Virtual Conference fee is $300 per paper, not per author. The conference fee for our face-to-face conferences is $450 for the first author and $250 for each additional author per paper.

Registration is OPEN CONTINUOUSLY from Today through December 31, 2024. To participate in the AABRI Virtual Conference you need to:

1. Complete the Conference Registration Form. All authors of a manuscript do not need to register for the Virtual Conference. Only one author need to complete and submit the form.

2. See the Secure Payment Webpage to submit the Fall 2022 Virtual Conference registration fee. Only one fee is required per paper.

3. Visit the 2024 Virtual Conference Presentations and Proceedings webpage to review and comment on five presentations. If insufficient papers are posted to the 2024 cirtual conference, comment on papers from the AABRI 2022 Virtual Conference Presentations and Proceedings.

4. Create an automated PowerPoint presentation with voice. Save it as an mp4 video file and upload it to YouTube. Instructions are available on the link below. You may also create your presentation as a video of yourself presenting and upload it to YouTube. Please make sure you provide your name and contact information at the end of your presentation with enough time for viewers to write it down. All presentations must be uploaded to Youtube.

5. Upon completion of your video and commenting on currently posted presentations, email the link to your presentation (provided on the YouTube site) along with the Conference Registration Numbers of the three presentations you reviewed and commented on to editorial.staff@aabri.com. Conference Registration Numbers are on the individual Virtual Presentation webpages.

6. Authors should include in the email an autobiography or a link to their vitae. Autobiographies must not exceed 500 words per author or 1,000 words total in one document. Attach it to the email as a Word document. Include contact information if you choose but remember this will be posted online.

7. After receipt of the above, your individual Virtual Presentation webpage will be created and your AABRI Virtual Conference registration will be confirmed to you.

AABRI 2024 Virtual Conference Presentations and Proceedings.
AABRI 2022 Virtual Conference Presentations and Proceedings.
How to create a video presentation in PowerPoint and upload it to YouTube
Virtual conference information and registration procedures
More AABRI Conference Information

Academic and Business Research Institute
P.O. Box 2235, Ponte Vedra Beach, FL, 32004, USA
Phone - (904)435-4330
Dr. Russell Baker, AABRI Executive Director