AABRI International Conference Orlando January 1 - 3, 2015 - Program and Proceedings
Orlando 2015 Conference Program
The 2015 Orlando Conference proceedings are listed by track and by conference registration number. Coauthors are not listed below unless they are participating in the conference.
To view proceedings by conference track click on the track:
Accounting / Finance / Economics (AFE) Track
Case Studies (Case) Track
Education / Instructional Pedagogies (EIP) Track
Management / Marketing / MIS (MMM) Track
Toview proceedings by conference registration number please select from the following:
OC15002 - Coelho, Adriane Marie; Universidade Tecnologica Federal do Paran; Organizational Communication: a critical discourse analysis of the Inter- institutional Agreement for Academic International Cooperation; Education / Instructional Pedagogies Track.
OC15003 - Jones, Don; Texas A&M University - Kingsville; A Program Evaluation of the Language Lab: Response to Intervention Program for Teaching Grammar, Vocabulary, and Storytelling; Education / Instructional Pedagogies Track.
OC15004 - Wiechmann, JoAnn; Walden University; A Program Evaluation of the Language Lab: Response to Intervention Program for Teaching Grammar, Vocabulary, and Storytelling; Education / Instructional Pedagogies Track.
OC15005 - Coustasse, Alberto; Marshall University; Use of robots on cardiology surgery: advantages and barriers for implementation; Management / Marketing / MIS Track.
OC15006 - Richardson, Martha; Walden University; A Program Evaluation of the Language Lab: Response to Intervention Program for Teaching Grammar, Vocabulary, and Storytelling; Education / Instructional Pedagogies Track.
OC15007 - Kwak, Wikil; University of Nebraska at Omaha; Audit Opinion Prediction Before and After the Dodd-Frank Act; Accounting / Finance / Economics Track.
OC15008 - Staudt, Denise; University of the Incarnate Word; Training Teachers to Use the Picture Word Induction Model; Education / Instructional Pedagogies Track.
OC15009 - Carson, Charles; Samford University; Urban Cookhouse; Case Track.
OC15010 - Coelho, Donna; Western Connecticut State University; The Perceived Effects of Marketing Efforts on the Influence of Subcultural Groups on; Management / Marketing / MIS Track.
OC15012 - Drozdenko, Ronald; Western Connecticut State University; The Perceived Effects of Marketing Efforts on the Influence of Subcultural Groups on; Management / Marketing / MIS Track.
OC15013 - Papp, Raymond; The University of Tampa; Is Facebook dead? Insights into the future of social media; Education / Instructional Pedagogies Track.
OC15014 - Wilsker, Amanda; Georgia Gwinnett College; Does Fundraising Generate Spillover Effects for Other Nonprofits?; Accounting / Finance / Economics Track.
OC15015 - Neuenschwander, Chris; Anderson University; Not all prepayment penalties are created equal; Accounting / Finance / Economics Track.
OC15017 - Smayling, Miles; minnesota state university, mankato; Student knowledge of pay new hires; Management / Marketing / MIS Track.
OC15018 - Wang, Chun-Chen; West Chester University of Pennsylvania; Moral Attentiveness Across Cultures: A Comparative Study of the United States and Taiwan; Management / Marketing / MIS Track.
OC15019 - Boyle, Douglas; University of Scranton; Professional Skepticism Experiment:Effects of Trait & State on Auditors' Judgments and Actions; Accounting / Finance / Economics Track.
OC15020 - Lahm, Robert: Western Carolina University: The small business promotional mix: Complex choices abound between traditional and social media.
OC15021 - Stowe, Charles: Lander University: The small business promotional mix: Complex choices abound between traditional and social media.
OC15022 - Finlay, Nikki; Clayton State University; A Longitudinal Study of the Middle Class: Growth, Size and Marketing Strategies. A Longitudinal Study of the Middle Class: Growth, Size and Marketing Strategies. A Longitudinal Study of the Middle Class: Growth, Size and Marketing Strategies; Management / Marketing / MIS Track.
OC15023 - Strandberg, Alicia; Villanova University; Online teaching best practices to better engage students with quantitative material; Education / Instructional Pedagogies Track.
OC15024 - Bohley Martin, Kathy; University of Indianapolis; End of Life: Does Green Really Matter?; Management / Marketing / MIS Track.
OC15026 - Chun, Sung; Mercy Colleg of Ohio; Exploring the Factors Influencing Latinos Consumption of Financial Services; Management / Marketing / MIS Track.
OC15027 - Hogan, Jan; Auburn University Montgomery; Why Can't Teachers Mind Their Own Business?; Education / Instructional Pedagogies Track.
OC15028 - Dunn, Leslie Ann; Georgia Perimeter College; The Effectiveness of Rehabilitation as a Tool in the Criminal Justice System; Case Track.
OC15029 - Bain, Steve; Texas A&M University - Kingsville; The changing role of the university department chair; Education / Instructional Pedagogies Track.
OC15030 - Khindanova, Irina; University of Denver; Exploration Funding and Mineral Investment Climate; Accounting / Finance / Economics Track.
OC15031 - Christ, Ethan; Georgia Gwinnett College; An Economic Impact Study of the Aurora Theatre; Accounting / Finance / Economics Track.
OC15032 - Ali, Syed; Georgia Gwinnett College; An Economic Impact Study of the Aurora Theatre; Accounting / Finance / Economics Track.
OC15033 - Cochran, Howard; Belmont University; Toward Understanding the Challenging Business Environment of High Frequency Broadcasters; Accounting / Finance / Economics Track.
OC15034 - Osuagwu, Nkechinyere; University of Aberdeen; Improving local labour market performances in UK, the role of family and friendship support networks.; Accounting / Finance / Economics Track.
OC15035 - Reardon, James; University of Northern Colorado; The effect of cosmopolitanism, national identity and ethnocentrism on Swedish purchase behavior; Management / Marketing / MIS Track.
OC15036 - Rush, Kelly; Mount Vernon Nazarene University; Not all prepayment penalties are created equal; Accounting / Finance / Economics Track.
OC15037 - Osuagwu, Nkechinyere; University of Aberdeen; Improving local labour market performances in UK, the role of family and friendship support networks.; Accounting / Finance / Economics Track.
OC15038 - Kontoghiorghes, Constantine; Cyprus University of Technology; Linking systemic characteristics of a strategically aligned high performance organizational culture to innovative performance and flexibility in a health care organization; Management / Marketing / MIS Track.
OC15039 - Reardon, James; University of Northern Colorado; The effect of cosmopolitanism, national identity and ethnocentrism on Swedish purchase behavior; Management / Marketing / MIS Track.
OC15041 - Bohley Martin, Kathy; University of Indianapolis; The importance of small firms concentration in employment growth within American communites; Accounting / Finance / Economics Track.
OC15042 - Lacasse, Richard-Marc; University of Quebec; Deciphering the secret world of charities; Management / Marketing / MIS Track.
OC15043 - Rim, Hong; Shippensburg University; Study on Diversification Benefits and Financial Market Integration; Accounting / Finance / Economics Track.
OC15044 - Watson, Bruce; Indiana University South Bend; The Successful Scholar-Athlete - The Professor's Role; Education / Instructional Pedagogies Track.
OC15045 - Leonard, Barbara; University of Hawaii at Hilo; The Dodd-Frank Act and the Decline in Home Ownership; Accounting / Finance / Economics Track.
OC15046 - Lamberton, Barbara; University of Hartford; The Interaction of Ethics and the Management Control System: A Case Study; Case Track.
OC15047 - Almerico, Gina; The University of Tampa; SEL: Educating the Heart and the Mind - a Hard Sell; Education / Instructional Pedagogies Track.
OC15048 - Nwanna, Gladson; Morgan State University; The Tax Gap- An Elusive Search For a Solution; Accounting / Finance / Economics Track.
OC15049 - Renard, Monika; Florida Gulf Coast University; Improving Negotiation; Management / Marketing / MIS Track.
OC15050 - Wall, Patricia; Middle Tennessee State University; Demands Facing Higher Education; Education / Instructional Pedagogies Track.
OC15051 - Weinstein, Art; Nova Southeastern University; Case Study on Bank of America - Customer Service -- Good is Just Not Good Enough; Case Track.
OC15052 - Monahan, Michael; Frostburg University; RESEND EMAIL; Track.
OC15053 - Yoon, Eunsang; University of Massachusetts Lowell; Technology and Corporate Commitment to Sustainability: A Case Study of Global Corporations; Management / Marketing / MIS Track.
OC15054 - Woodward, George; University of Colorado at Colorado Springs; Did the ECB abandon its inflation mandate to fuel the housing market bubble? Evidence using a nonlinear Taylor Rule; Accounting / Finance / Economics Track.
OC15056 - Jia, Heather; Illinois State University; Information technology-related specific traits: Linkage with general traits and relative explanatory power; Management / Marketing / MIS Track.
OC15057 - Williams, Jason; Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University; Explorations of Inward Foreign Direct Investment: U.S. and China comparative analysis; Accounting / Finance / Economics Track.
OC15058 - Ruiz, Alberto; Texas A&M University-Kingsville; he changing role of the university department chair; Education / Instructional Pedagogies Track.
OC15059 - Adilov, Nodir; Indiana Univ.-Purdue Univ. Fort Wayne; Profit-Maximizing Approach to Pricing Online Courses; Accounting / Finance / Economics Track.
OC15060 - Smalt, Steve; Kennesaw State University; An Examination of Accounting for Repurchase Agreements; Accounting / Finance / Economics Track.
OC15061 - McComb II, J. Marshall; Kennesaw State University; An Examination of Accounting for Repurchase Agreements; Accounting / Finance / Economics Track.
OC15062 - Turner, Stephen; Known-Quantity; Open-source software business models that create value; Management / Marketing / MIS Track.
OC15063 - Park, Yang; Georgia Southwestern State University; Sustainability and IT Project Management; Management / Marketing / MIS Track.
OC15065 - Letkowski, Jerzy; Western New England University; Challenges in database design with Microsoft Access; Education / Instructional Pedagogies Track.
OC15066 - Mayer, Brad; Lamar University; The Relationship between Focus and Execution of Goals and Performance Elements of the Business Strategy Game; Education / Instructional Pedagogies Track.
OC15067 - Baek, Chung; Troy University; Will the stock market keep soaring? A simulation with maximum drawdowns; Accounting / Finance / Economics Track.
OC15068 - Dittman, Kevin; Purdue University; Distanced Base MS Degree in Business Analysis for Working Professionals; Education / Instructional Pedagogies Track.
OC15069 - Garza, Kristopher; Texas A&M Kingsville; Developing a Professional Counselor Identity: A Qualitative Study of Graduate Student Interns; Education / Instructional Pedagogies Track.
OC15070 - Thornton, Barry; Jacksonville University; Development and Sustainability; Managenemt/Marketing/MISTrack.
OC15071 - Islam, Mohamed; Concord University; Financial Scandals, and Ethical Judgments and Behavior of Business Professionals: An Ordered Logit Analysis; Accounting / Finance / Economics Track.
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Accounting/Finance/Economics Track
OC15007 - Kwak, Wikil; University of Nebraska at Omaha; Audit Opinion Prediction Before and After the Dodd-Frank Act; Accounting / Finance / Economics Track.
OC15014 - Wilsker, Amanda; Georgia Gwinnett College; Does Fundraising Generate Spillover Effects for Other Nonprofits?; Accounting / Finance / Economics Track.
OC15015 - Neuenschwander, Chris; Anderson University; Not all prepayment penalties are created equal; Accounting / Finance / Economics Track.
OC15019 - Boyle, Douglas; University of Scranton; Professional Skepticism Experiment:Effects of Trait & State on Auditors' Judgments and Actions; Accounting / Finance / Economics Track.
OC15030 - Khindanova, Irina; University of Denver; Exploration Funding and Mineral Investment Climate; Accounting / Finance / Economics Track.
OC15031 - Christ, Ethan; Georgia Gwinnett College; An Economic Impact Study of the Aurora Theatre; Accounting / Finance / Economics Track.
OC15032 - Ali, Syed; Georgia Gwinnett College; An Economic Impact Study of the Aurora Theatre; Accounting / Finance / Economics Track.
OC15033 - Cochran, Howard; Belmont University; Toward Understanding the Challenging Business Environment of High Frequency Broadcasters; Accounting / Finance / Economics Track.
OC15034 - Osuagwu, Nkechinyere; University of Aberdeen; Improving local labour market performances in UK, the role of family and friendship support networks.; Accounting / Finance / Economics Track.
OC15036 - Rush, Kelly; Mount Vernon Nazarene University; Not all prepayment penalties are created equal; Accounting / Finance / Economics Track.
OC15037 - Osuagwu, Nkechinyere; University of Aberdeen; Improving local labour market performances in UK, the role of family and friendship support networks.; Accounting / Finance / Economics Track.
OC15041 - Bohley Martin, Kathy; University of Indianapolis; The importance of small firms concentration in employment growth within American communites; Accounting / Finance / Economics Track.
OC15043 - Rim, Hong; Shippensburg University; Study on Diversification Benefits and Financial Market Integration; Accounting / Finance / Economics Track.
OC15045 - Leonard, Barbara; University of Hawaii at Hilo; The Dodd-Frank Act and the Decline in Home Ownership; Accounting / Finance / Economics Track.
OC15048 - NWANNA, GLADSON; MORGAN STATE UNIVERSITY; The Tax Gap- An Elusive Search For a Solution; Accounting / Finance / Economics Track.
OC15054 - Woodward, George; University of Colorado at Colorado Springs; Did the ECB abandon its inflation mandate to fuel the housing market bubble? Evidence using a nonlinear Taylor Rule; Accounting / Finance / Economics Track.
OC15057 - Williams, Jason; Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University; Explorations of Inward Foreign Direct Investment: U.S. and China comparative analysis; Accounting / Finance / Economics Track.
OC15059 - Adilov, Nodir; Indiana Univ.-Purdue Univ. Fort Wayne; PROFIT-MAXIMIZING APPROACH TO PRICING ONLINE COURSES; Accounting / Finance / Economics Track.
OC15060 - Smalt, Steve; Kennesaw State University; An Examination of Accounting for Repurchase Agreements; Accounting / Finance / Economics Track.
OC15061 - McComb II, J. Marshall; Kennesaw State University; AN EXAMINATION OF ACCOUNTING FOR REPURCHASE AGREEMENTS; Accounting / Finance / Economics Track.
OC15067 - Baek, Chung; Troy University; Will the stock market keep soaring? A simulation with maximum drawdowns; Accounting / Finance / Economics Track.
OC15071 - Islam, Mohamed; Concord University; Financial Scandals, and Ethical Judgments and Behavior of Business Professionals: An Ordered Logit Analysis; Accounting / Finance / Economics Track.
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Case Track
OC15009 - Carson, Charles; Samford University; Urban Cookhouse; Case Track.
OC15028 - Dunn, Leslie Ann; Georgia Perimeter College; The Effectiveness of Rehabilitation as a Tool in the Criminal Justice System; Case Track.
OC15046 - Lamberton, Barbara; University of Hartford; The Interaction of Ethics and the Management Control System: A Case Study; Case Track.
OC15051 - Weinstein, Art; Nova Southeastern University; Case Study on Bank of America - Customer Service -- Good is Just Not Good Enough; Case Track.
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Education/Instructional Pedagogies Track
OC15002 - Coelho, Adriane Marie; Universidade Tecnologica Federal do Paran; Organizational Communication: a critical discourse analysis of the Inter- institutional Agreement for Academic International Cooperation; Education / Instructional Pedagogies Track.
OC15003 - Jones, Don; Texas A&M University - Kingsville; A Program Evaluation of the Language Lab: Response to Intervention Program for Teaching Grammar, Vocabulary, and Storytelling; Education / Instructional Pedagogies Track.
OC15004 - Wiechmann, JoAnn; Walden University; A Program Evaluation of the Language Lab: Response to Intervention Program for Teaching Grammar, Vocabulary, and Storytelling; Education / Instructional Pedagogies Track.
OC15006 - Richardson, Martha; Walden University; A Program Evaluation of the Language Lab: Response to Intervention Program for Teaching Grammar, Vocabulary, and Storytelling; Education / Instructional Pedagogies Track.
OC15008 - Staudt, Denise; University of the Incarnate Word; Training Teachers to Use the Picture Word Induction Model; Education / Instructional Pedagogies Track.
OC15013 - Papp, Raymond; The University of Tampa; TBD; Education / Instructional Pedagogies Track.
OC15023 - Strandberg, Alicia; Villanova University; Online teaching best practices to better engage students with quantitative material; Education / Instructional Pedagogies Track.
OC15027 - Hogan, Jan; Auburn University Montgomery; Why Can't Teachers Mind Their Own Business?; Education / Instructional Pedagogies Track.
OC15044 - Watson, Bruce; Indiana University South Bend; The Successful Scholar-Athlete - The Professor's Role; Education / Instructional Pedagogies Track.
OC15047 - Almerico, Gina; The University of Tampa; SEL: Educating the Heart and the Mind - a Hard Sell; Education / Instructional Pedagogies Track.
OC15050 - Wall, Patricia; Middle Tennessee State University; Demands Facing Higher Education; Education / Instructional Pedagogies Track.
OC15058 - Ruiz, Alberto; Texas A&M University-Kingsville; he changing role of the university department chair; Education / Instructional Pedagogies Track.
OC15065 - Letkowski, Jerzy; Western New England University; Challenges in database design with Microsoft Access; Education / Instructional Pedagogies Track.
OC15066 - Mayer, Brad; Lamar University; The Relationship between Focus and Execution of Goals and Performance Elements of the Business Strategy Game; Education / Instructional Pedagogies Track.
OC15068 - Dittman, Kevin; Purdue University; Distanced Base MS Degree in Business Analysis for Working Professionals; Education / Instructional Pedagogies Track.
OC15069 - Garza, Kristopher; Texas A&M Kingsville; Developing a Professional Counselor Identity: A Qualitative Study of Graduate Student Interns; Education / Instructional Pedagogies Track.
OC15029 - Bain, Steve; Texas A&M University - Kingsville; The changing role of the university department chair; Education / Instructional Pedagogies Track.
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Management/Marketing/MIS Track
OC15005 - Coustasse, Alberto; Marshall University; Use of robots on cardiology surgery: advantages and barriers for implementation; Management / Marketing / MIS Track.
OC15010 - Coelho, Donna; Western Connecticut State University; The Perceived Effects of Marketing Efforts on the Influence of Subcultural Groups on; Management / Marketing / MIS Track.
OC15012 - Drozdenko, Ronald; Western Connecticut State University; The Perceived Effects of Marketing Efforts on the Influence of Subcultural Groups on; Management / Marketing / MIS Track.
OC15017 - Smayling, Miles; minnesota state university, mankato; Student knowledge of pay new hires; Management / Marketing / MIS Track.
OC15018 - Wang, Chun-Chen; West Chester University of Pennsylvania; Moral Attentiveness Across Cultures: A Comparative Study of the United States and Taiwan; Management / Marketing / MIS Track.
OC15022 - Finlay, Nikki; Clayton State University; A Longitudinal Study of the Middle Class: Growth, Size and Marketing Strategies. A Longitudinal Study of the Middle Class: Growth, Size and Marketing Strategies. A Longitudinal Study of the Middle Class: Growth, Size and Marketing Strategies; Management / Marketing / MIS Track.
OC15024 - Bohley Martin, Kathy; University of Indianapolis; End of Life: Does Green Really Matter?; Management / Marketing / MIS Track.
OC15026 - Chun, Sung; Mercy Colleg of Ohio; Exploring the Factors Influencing Latinos Consumption of Financial Services; Management / Marketing / MIS Track.
OC15035 - Reardon, James; University of Northern Colorado; The effect of cosmopolitanism, national identity and ethnocentrism on Swedish purchase behavior; Management / Marketing / MIS Track.
OC15038 - Kontoghiorghes, Constantine; Cyprus University of Technology; Linking systemic characteristics of a strategically aligned high performance organizational culture to innovative performance and flexibility in a health care organization; Management / Marketing / MIS Track.
OC15039 - Reardon, James; University of Northern Colorado; The effect of cosmopolitanism, national identity and ethnocentrism on Swedish purchase behavior; Management / Marketing / MIS Track.
OC15042 - Lacasse, Richard-Marc; University of Quebec; Deciphering the secret world of charities; Management / Marketing / MIS Track.
OC15049 - Renard, Monika; Florida Gulf Coast University; Improving Negotiation; Management / Marketing / MIS Track.
OC15053 - Yoon, Eunsang; University of Massachusetts Lowell; Technology and Corporate Commitment to Sustainability: A Case Study of Global Corporations; Management / Marketing / MIS Track.
OC15056 - Jia, Heather; Illinois State University; Information technology-related specific traits: Linkage with general traits and relative explanatory power; Management / Marketing / MIS Track.
OC15062 - Turner, Stephen; Known-Quantity; Open-source software business models that create value; Management / Marketing / MIS Track.
OC15063 - Park, Yang; Georgia Southwestern State University; Sustainability and IT Project Management; Management / Marketing / MIS Track.
OC15070 - Thornton, Barry; Jacksonville University; Development and Sustainability; Managenemt/Marketing/MISTrack.
OC15020 - Lahm, Robert: Western Carolina University: The small business promotional mix: Complex choices abound between traditional and social media.
OC15021 - Stowe, Charles: Lander University: The small business promotional mix: Complex choices abound between traditional and social media.
OC15052 – Monahan, Michael: Frostburg State University: Does the Field of Study Influence the Choice of Leadership? A Cross Cultural Comparison of Business vs Non-Business Majors.
To view proceedings from previous AABRI conferences conferences select from one of the following:
Las Vegas 2014 Proceedings
Hawaii 2014 Proceedings
San Antonio 2014 Proceedings
Orlando 2014 Proceedings
Las Vegas 2013 Proceedings
New Orleans 2013 Proceedings
Orlando 2013 Proceedings
Las Vegas 2012 Proceedings
San Antonio 2012 Proceedings
Orlando 2012 Proceedings
Las Vegas 2011 Proceedings
Nashville 2011 Proceedings
Orlando 2010 Proceedings
Las Vegas 2010 Proceedings
Orlando 2009 Proceedings
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