AABRI International Conferences
Information & Overview

AABRI international conferences provide authors with a venue to present their completed research, works-in-progress, or research proposals to an audience of academics in field from across the nation and internationally, receive feedback and discussion from this audience, and use the feedback to improve their research prior to submission for journal review. All AABRI conferences accept both in-person and VIRTUAL presentations.

Registering for an Academic and Business Research Institute Conference includes:

  • Conference Tracks in: Accounting / Economics / Finance; Case Studies; Ethical / Legal Issues; Education/ Pedagogy; Management / Marketing / MIS.

  • Empirical studies, meta-analysis studies, case studies and research proposals are appropriate for presentation. Completed manuscripts, works-in-progress, research proposals, or abstracts are acceptable for submission for presentation.

  • Manuscripts, works-in-progress, research proposals or abstracts received by the conference registration deadline will be included in the program and online conference proceedings.

  • All abstracts, research proposals and manuscripts are reviewed by AABRI for content, logic, and appropriateness to conference themes as a condition of conference acceptance.

  • Upon receipt of the registration form and completion of the above review authors are sent a conditional acceptance. Conditionally accepted submissions receive no additional review.

  • Upon receipt of the conference fees authors are sent a confirmed acceptance.

  • All accepted and confirmed complete manuscripts will be submitted to the appropriate journal for peer review if authorized by the author at the time of conference registration (check "Yes" on registration form). Review fees are waived. Reviewer comments are provided to authors upon completion of the review. There is no obligation to publish the paper in an AABRI journal. However, normal publishing (editing/hosting) charges apply if the paper is accepted and the author desires journal publication.

  • Abstracts, research proposals and works-in-progress are cannot be peer reviewed. These may be submitted for peer review upon completion of the manuscript either before or after the conference. Since abstracts, works-in-progress, and complete manuscripts are accepted to AABRI conferences for presentation, conference acceptance is not contingent on accepted peer review.

  • All accepted and confirmed complete manuscripts received by the conference registration deadline are reviewed by AABRI journal editors in consideration for Best-Paper awards.

  • AABRI journal editors will select a Best Paper Award winner from each track and a Best Paper of Conference winner.

  • Best Paper of Conference winner will be reviewed and published in the appropriate AABRI journal with no review or publishing fees (subject to accepted editorial and peer review).

  • AABRI publishes 10 peer-reviewed academic journals.

  • Completed manuscripts presented at the conference may be submitted for review in an appropriate AABRI journal. The review service charge is waived for all conference participants. Normal publication service charges apply if the paper is accepted. See the Publication Charges webpage for complete information.

    All AABRI conferences accept virtual presentations. Virtual presentations are asynchronous, not real time. To present your paper virtually, create an automated PowerPoint presentation with voice and upload it to YouTube. Your presentation will run during one of the conference sessions and be included in the proceedings along with your manuscript or abstract. We will run it from the web address you provide. Please make sure you provide your name and contact information at the end of your presentation with enough time for viewers to write it down. See How to create a video presentation in PowerPoint and upload it to YouTube.

  • Easy two-step conference-registration process

  • AABRI Conference Cancelation & Refund Policy

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    Academic and Business Research Institute
    P.O. Box 2235, Ponte Vedra Beach, FL, 32004, USA
    Phone - (904)435-4330
    Dr. Russell Baker, AABRI Executive Director