AABRI International Conferences - Registration
Follow the steps below to register online
(Scroll to bottom for mail-in payment instructions)

Step 1: Complete and submit the conference registration form:
All manuscripts, works-in-progress, research proposals and abstracts are subject to review. Accepted manuscripts will be sent a conditional acceptance until conference fees are submitted. Upon acceptance of the manuscript/work-in-progress/abstract and receipt of conference fees a registration confirmation will be emailed.

Pay Conference Registration Fees Here

All attending participants/presenters/coauthors must individually register for the conference to participate. Nonregistered authors of presented papers will not participate in presentations or be listed in the conference program. There is not an attendance charge for spouses or children not participating in presentations. Fields marked with a red asterisk * are required
-Conference Registration Form-

Select Conference

Make sure you select the conference you want to attend.
Are you presenting or attending only?

 Attending only (not presenting) 
 Virtual Conference Presentation 
Your Last Name

Your First Name

Preferred Salutation

Your University or Employer

Your Email

Will you serve as a session chair? (not applicable to Virtual Conference)

Title of Your Manuscript

Type "Attending Only" if not presenting.
List all coauthors excluding yourself by first name last name. Separate coauthors by a semicolon.
Conference Track (or not presenting)

PayPal Receipt Number

If you prefer to pay the conference fee after receiving conditional acceptance please email receipt number and participant name after completion of payment. Registration is not confirmed until the conference fee is received.
Attach Manuscript
or Abstract

Submit Microsoft Word .doc or .docx files only.
Files exceeding 10MB must be emailed separately.
Presentation day preference (or not presenting)

To participate in the AABRI Virtual Conference select Virtual Conference from the above list and see the Virtual Presentation section below. AABRI will attempt to schedule all presenters according to their preference. However, if a desired session is full or if presentation sessions must be cancelled, presentations will be rescheduled and authors notified.
Submit my complete conference manuscript for journal review.
 Will submit after conference 
All completed manuscripts presented at AABRI conferences will be submitted to the appropriate journal for peer-review if authorized by submitting author. Review fees are waived. Publication in an AABRI journal is not required. However, normal editing/hosting fees apply if the manuscript is accepted for journal publication. If you do not want your paper peer-reviewed No above. More information on conference peer-review.
Cell Phone
Please submit your cell phone number with area code so we can contact you during the conference if there is a schedule change.
By submitting this registration form, I agree to all AABRI Publication Policies and Procedures and to all the conditions stated below, including the Refund and Transfer Policy. Please review prior to submitting.

Step 2: Review the following conference-related information:

A manuscript, work-in-progress or abstract is not required to register. Individuals who want to attend the conference but not present are welcome. Please type "not presenting - attending only" in the manuscript title line on the online registration form.

All manuscripts, works-in-progress, research proposals, and abstracts are subject to review by AABRI for content appropriateness to conference topics. Submissions are not peer reviewed. Accepted manuscripts will be sent a conditional acceptance until conference fees are submitted. Upon acceptance of the manuscript/work-in-progress/abstract and receipt of conference fees a confirmed acceptance will be emailed.

All completed manuscripts presented at AABRI conferences will automatically be submitted to one of the peer-reviewed AABRI journals for publication peer review. The review fee is waived for conference participants (normal publication fees apply if accepted).

While AABRI staff will make every effort to accommodate your presentation day choice, the 110-minute sessions are limited to six 15-minute presentations per session to allow for discussion time. Only the first six confirmed registrants requesting a session will be assigned to that session. Mixed overload sessions will be scheduled to accommodate late registrants. If you have any scheduling conflicts, please contact us as soon as possible.

PLEASE NOTE: Session requests will not be honored or confirmed until both the conference registration form and conference fee have been received.

Information collected using the online registration form will not be shared or distributed to any organization or individual unless mandated by statute.

Please see the Conference Refunds and Transfers page for information and procedures regarding conference-fee refunds or transferring conference fees to a later conference.

For information regarding requesting invitation and acceptance letters, receipts or visa documentation see the Acceptance Letters, Receipts & Visa Information page.

Student discount registration information is available here. Student discount registration is not available for all conferences.
In response to the travel restrications and limitations caused by the international pandemic, the Academic and Business Research Institute (AABRI) has developed an asynchronous virtual conference, the AABRI Virtual Conference.

See for Virtual Conference submission procedures and requirements.

Individuals who do not want to pay online may email their manuscript, work-in-progress or abstract to
editorial.staff@aabri.com and mail their personal (United States accounts only) check, university check or bank cashier's check to:

Academic and Business Research Institute
P.O. Box 2235, Ponte Vedra Beach, FL, 32004, USA
United States of America

Please state in email subject the conference to which you are submitting. Registration will be confirmed after receipt of the completed online registration form and the check.

AABRI organizational policy prohibits release of AABRI bank account names or numbers for electronic funds transfer. Please mail a bank check or request your bank to submit directly to the secure PayPal link.
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Academic and Business Research Institute
P.O. Box 2235, Ponte Vedra Beach, FL, 32004, USA
Phone - (904)435-4330
Dr. Russell Baker, AABRI Executive Director