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Research in Business and Economics Journal
The Research in Business and Economics Journal (RBEJ) publishes original, unpublished manuscripts focused on business or economics research.This journal is double-blind peer reviewed with an acceptance rate of less than 35%.
Coeditor: Dr. Barry Thornton, Professor of Decision Science, Jacksonville University (Retired).
Curriculum Vitae. Contact: thornton.editor@aabri.com .
Coeditor: Dr. Lloyd Seaton, Associate Professor of Management, Murray State University.
Curriculum Vitae. Contact: seaton.editor@aabri.com .
Research in Busines and Economics Journal - Review Board
ISSN Online: 1941-3424, Print: 2327-5405
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RBEJ is published by the Academic and Business Research Institute.
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Volume 17:

Do Insurance Systemic Risk Measures Have Predictive Power?, Raja Bouzouita, University of Central Missouri; Mihaela Craioveanu, University of Central Missouri.

Modeling customer lifetime value: The case of a large financial service corporation, Liangdong Huang, The University of Texas at San Antonio; Adam Guerrero, The University of North Texas at Dallas.

The Rise of Interlocking Directorates in China: Trends and Implications for Marketization; Liaoliao Li, Kutztown University of Pennsylvania; Zongming Tang, Shanghai Jiao Tong University.

Volume 16 - July 2024:

VinFast's Economic Impact in North Carolina, Ngoc Mai, Wingate University; Kristin Stowe, Wingate University.

Beyond the pink tax: Are Amazon toy shoppers disadvantaged when searching by gender?, Daniel Farhat, Radford University, Andrea J.S. Stanaland, Radford University.

Dynamic Conditional Correlations between the Insurance Sectors and the Overall Market: Evidence from the 2008 Financial Crisis , Raja Bouzouita, University of Central Missouri; Mihaela Craioveanu, University of Central Missouri.

Small businesses and the economy: A roller coaster ride, Robert J. Lahm, Jr., Western Carolina University, Lane Graves Perry, III, Western Carolina University.

How emerging technology trends may lead to impacts and opportunities for entrepreneurial start-ups, Robert J. Lahm, Jr., Western Carolina University, Madelynn Duffield, Western Carolina University.

Bankruptcy Duration Determinants for U.S. Pharmaceutical Firms, Robert Leach, University of South Carolina – Aiken; Paul Newsom, University of South Carolina – Aiken.

Effect of Job Security on Firm Value: Evidence from Wrongful Discharge Law , Joohun Lee, Tennessee Tech University.

Volume 15 - December 2022:

Effects of antiquity, health insurance and exemptions on refunds of CSU VITA users, Loretta Baryeh, Coppin State University, Hyacinth Ezeka, Coppin State University.

Economic and social factors affecting the speed of Covid-19 vaccination around the world, Ricardo Tovar-Silos, Lamar University.

The Rise of Artificial Intelligence and the Job Destruction View, Falih M. Alsaaty, Bowie State University; Augustin Ntembe, Bowie State University; Kavita Kapur, Bowie State University; Hussain Ahmad, University of Virginia.

The decline in oil price pass-through to wage inflation , Kyle A. Kelly, West Chester University; Yanan Chen, Villanova University.

Effect of Taxation, Corruption and Coronavirus deaths on Economic growth, Loretta Baryeh, Coppin State University.

Changes in REIT Investment Strategy Following COVID-19; Paul Ciarcia, University of Denver; Irina Khindanova, University of Denver.

The relationship between FDI and economic development in Ghana: an empirical analysis using multiple regression; Alan Harper, Gwynedd Mercy University; Zhenhu Jin, Valparaiso University.

The Supply Chain: Before, During, and After COVID-19; Terry L. Howard, University of Detroit Mercy; Gregory W. Ulferts, University of Detroit Mercy.

U.S. Midwesterners knowledge and perception of U.S.-China agricultural trade issues; Gary Wingenbach, Texas A&M University; Trey Richardson, Texas A&M University.

U.S. Employment and the Skills Gap; Falih M. Alsaaty, Bowie State University; David A. Abrahams, Bowie state University.

Player Actions and NFL Team Performance: Do Banned Substances and Behavior Matter?; Tom Carter III, Carter Alo Consulting; C.A. Dole, Jacksonville University.

The Impact of Covid-19 Pandemic on Women-owned Businesses: A Multi-case Study; Diane D. Galbraith Slippery Rock University of Pennsylvania; Sunita Mondal, Slippery Rock University of Pennsylvania.

Volume 14 - February 2021:

The effectiveness of college football recruiting ratings in predicting team success: a longitudinal study, Jeffrey A. Mankin, Lipscomb University; Julio A. Rivas, Lipscomb University; Jeffrey J. Jewell, Lipscomb University.

Hotel general managers and transformational leadership: a complementary relationship, Thomas C. Padron, California State University, East Bay.

Bettor biases and market efficiency in the NFL totals market, Kyle A. Kelly, West Chester University; Yanan Chen, West Chester University.

Nonhomogeneous Poisson process for unemployment claims in Washington DC, Feng Xu, University of The District of Columbia; Jian Hua, University of The District of Columbia; Dazhong Wu, University of The District of Columbia; Sergey Ivanov University of The District of Columbia; Michael Tannen, University of The District of Columbia; Paul Bachman, University of The District of Columbia; Les Vermillion, University of The District of Columbia.

Does Education Contribute to Happiness? A Cross-Country Study, Tanja Blackstone, University of North Alabama; Kristen Van Rensselaer, University of North Alabama.

Artificial Intelligence: The Path for Entrepreneurial Opportunities, Falih. M Alsaaty, Bowie State University, Maryland; Sunando Sengupta, Bowie State University, Maryland; Ella Carter, Bowie State University, Maryland.

Economic impact of the Coppin State University volunteer tax program, Loretta N. Baryeh, Coppin State University; Hyacinth Ezeka, Coppin State University.

Presidential era income inequality and economic performance: A historical examination, Thomas L Bradley, Reforming Economies Research Institute; Paul Eberle, Florida Southern College.

A descriptive analysis of the coronavirus pandemic and corruption on economic growth, Loretta Baryeh, Coppin State University.

Student Learning Outcomes and Academic Advising for Business Students with Undeclared a Major , Jingyo Suh, Tuskegee University.

Volume 13 - July 2019:

Okun s Law - an empirical test using Brazilian data, Alan Harper, Gwynedd Mercy University; Zhenhu Jin, Valparaiso University.

Presidential era income inequality and economic performance: A historical examination; Heidi Nunnemacher, Galland Henning Nopak, Inc.; Erick Aguilar, iQuality, LLC.

The economic sustainability index, marginal tax rates and aggregate wage levels, Thomas L Bradley, Reforming Economies Research Institute; Paul B Eberle, Florida Southern College.

Measurement of balance sheet effects on mortgage loans, Nilufer Ozdemir, University North Florida; Cuneyt Altinoz, Purdue University Global.

The supply and demand for commercial airline pilots: Impact of changing requirements, Jan Duggar, University of North Florida.

Futures contracts as a risk management technique an adjusted timing model analysis, Debra R. Hunter, Arkansas Tech University; Michael S. Luehlfing, Louisiana Tech University.

Tariffs, environmental change, and the Maine lobster industry: A case study, Michael B Tannen, University of the District of Columbia.

Economic crisis and competition from the informal sector in manufacturing industry in eastern European and central Asian countries, Ayse N. Balas, Virginia State University; Halil D. Kaya, Northeastern State University.

Economic inequality: Government policy implications for economic growth sustainability, inequality, and the historical impact of marginal tax rate changes, Thomas L Bradley, Keuka College, China & Vietnam; Paul B Eberle, Florida Southern College.

The fields driving economic growth in the Golden Triangle 2009-2014, Carl B. Montano, Lamar University; James L. Slaydon, Lamar University; Ashraf F. El-Houbi, Lamar University.

Volume 12 - January 2018:

Co-opted directors and board effectiveness: an analysis of meeting frequency, Thomas E. Wilson, Jr., University of Louisiana at Lafayette.

The determinants of manufacturing sector growth in Sub-Saharan African countries, Raufu O. Sokunle, JP Morgan Chase; Alan Harper, Gwynedd Mercy University.

The changing nature of entrepreneurship over time, William Seyfried, Rollins College.

The impact of foreign direct investment (FDI) on export growth: Evidence from Zimbabwe-1980 to 2011, Joe Muzurura, Midlands State University Zimbabwe: M. Sikwila, Chinhoyi University of Science and Technology; Talent Nesongano, Tariff and Competition Zimbabwe.

Examining the historically high rate of unemployment in Southeast Texas, James L Slaydon, Lamar University; Carl B. Montano, Lamar University; Ashraf El-Houbi, Lamar University.

Quantitative easing ECB style Is it working?, Tarek Buhagiar, University of Central Florida.

Is there a relationship between corruption and job creation in resource rich oil and gas developing countries?, Olumide Ijose, Governors State University; Jesus Valencia, Slippery Rock University of Pennsylvania.

Evidence of mixed use economic development synergies, Lonnie Bryant, The University of Tampa; David J. Moore, California State University, Sacramento.

Volume 11 - December 2016:

Affordable Care Act: the impact on business, Paula A. Amato, Northeastern University.

The economic impact of Blount Island Command; Hassan Pordeli, Jacksonville University; Peter Wynkoop, The HPW Group, LLC.

Personal finance literacy formal preparation prior to college, what is sought in the university-level course, and student performance ; Charles Corcoran, University of Wisconsin River Falls.

Public Water Policies: The Ultimate Weapons of Social Control, Charles Porter, St. Edward s University.

The influence of some macroeconomic factors on the growth of micro firms in the United States, Falih M. Alsaaty, Bowie State University; Azene Zenebe, Bowie State University; Sunando Sengupta, Bowie State University.

Analyzing the effects of The Airline Safety and FAA Extension Act of 2010 on collegiate aviation programs, R. Rhett C. Yates, Jacksonville University; Chadwin T. Kendall, Jacksonville University.

E-Waste Management to Eliminate Environmental Pollution for the Greater Good, Shamsul Chowdhury, Roosevelt University.

Monetary mystery: Why has the post-great recession recovery been so disappointing?, Hillar Neumann, West Chester University; John Meyer, Northern State University.

Renewable energy resources - an analysis from the Rocky Mountains, Aun Hassan, Colorado State University Pueblo.

A comparative analysis of taxation on revenue generation in West Africa economies, Loretta N. Baryeh, Coppin State University; Hyacinth Ezeka, Coppin State University.

A comparison of black-white occupational income equity in public and private employment , Carl A. Kogut, University of Louisiana at Monroe; Donna W. Luse, University of Louisiana at Monroe; Larry E. Short, University of Louisiana at Monroe.

Determinants of foreign direct investment (FDI) in Zimbabwe: What factors matter?, Joe Muzurura, Midlands State University Zimbabwe.

Volume 10 - October 2014:

The impact of state competitiveness on firm formation, Oi Lin Cheung Indiana University East.

A study of Native American small business ownership: opportunities for entrepreneurs, Martin S. Bressler, Southeastern Oklahoma State University; Kitty Campbell, Southeastern Oklahoma State University; Brett Elliott, Southeastern Oklahoma State University.

A chronological survey of the Friedman Meiselman / Andersen Jordan single equation debate, Peter V. Bias, Florida Southern College.

A longitudinal study of the middle class: growth, size and marketing strategies, Diane Fulton, Clayton State University; David Furman, Clayton State University; Nikki Finlay, Clayton State University.

Cost behavior of selling, general, and administrative costs and cost of goods sold during economic recession, Haihong He, California State University, Los Angeles.

The economics of the Export-Import Bank: a teaching note, Robert Beekman, The University of Tampa; Brian Kench, The University of Tampa.

Economic Impact of the Real $ense Prosperity Campaign, Hassan Pordeli, Jacksonville University; Peter Wynkoop, Jacksonville University & The HPW Group, LLC.

Comparative analysis of individual investor portfolios based on behavioral finance and efficient market theories, Nancy W. Armistead, Arkansas State University-Pine Bluff; Michael G. Brizek, South Carolina State University.

Electronic health record interoperability and quality management, Bernice M. Purcell, Holy Family University.

Macroeconomic factors affecting US retail furniture/home furnishings industry sales, Gregory G. Kaufinger, Anderson University.

Small business and Obamacare: It s just way too complicated , Robert J. Lahm, Jr., Western Carolina University; Frank S. Lockwood, Western Carolina University; Charles R. B. Stowe, Lander University.

Foreign direct investment: does it matter? A case for Zimbabwe, Mike Nyamazana Sikwila, Chinhoyi University of Technology.

Volume 9 - August 2014:

Most admired companies performance and CEO compensation during 2007-2009 recession, Obeua S. Persons, Rider University.

The econometrics of baseball: A statistical investigation, Mary Hilston Keener, The University of Tampa.

Applying marginal analysis in determining the number of contractors: An approach for the Advisory and Assistance Services (A&AS) and Department of Defense (DOD), Ray M. Valadez, Pepperdine University; Leo A. Mallette, Pepperdine University; Aaron Albrecht, Pepperdine University.

Customer loyalty: a multi-attribute approach, J. Barry Dickinson, Holy Family University.

Are we seeing necessity or opportunity entrepreneurs at large?, Oi Lin Cheung, Indiana University East.

An investigation of true Talmudic investing, Daria Newfeld, Dominican University.

Post-merger performance of acquirer: Evidence from closed-end funds, Sinan Yildirim, Texas Wesleyan University.

An econometric analysis of the 2013 major league baseball season, Steven L. Fullerton, New Mexico State University; Thomas M. Fullerton, Jr., University of Texas at El Paso; Adam G. Walke, University of Texas at El Paso.

Mobile banking and mobile money adoption for financial inclusion, Alice S. Etim, Winston Salem State University.

Fair trade awareness: Exploring its relationship to public policy and sustainable outcomes, Dawn H. Pearcy, Eastern Michigan University; Wyatt A. Schrock, Michigan State University.

Analyst coverage following the IPO of Facebook, Wing Chee Lai, State University of New York at Oneonta; Qun Wu, State University of New York at Oneonta.

Savings beyond six months, Laura Coogan, Nicholls State University; Krisandra Guidry, Nicholls State University.

Volume 8 - September 2013:

Spatial econometric analysis of regional income convergence:the case of North Carolina and Virginia, Zachary Smith, Saint Leo University; Alan Harper, South University.

Beyond technology-based customer relationship management it is total customer experience management, Noor Raihan Ab Hamid, Universiti Tun Abdul Razak; Romiza Md Akhir, UNITAR International University.

The moral hazard of mandatory membership in private clubs, Leon Hoke, The University of Tampa; Brian Kench, The University of Tampa; Charles Skipton, The University of Tampa.

What are the impacts of the home buyer's tax credit on housing and the economy?, Tricia Snyder, William Paterson University; Elizabeth Ekmekjian, William Paterson University.

Spatial analysis of changes in the unemployment rate: a county-level analysis of the New England states, Zachary A. Smith, Saint Leo University.

The impact of trade finance on international trade: does financial development matter?, Daniel Perez Liston, Prairie View A&M University; Lawrence McNeil, Prairie View A&M University.

The relative importance of the determinants of the US money supply, Hassan M. Shirvani, University of St. Thomas-Houston; Sidika Gulfem Bayram, University of St. Thomas-Houston.

Update: TMT national culture, demographic heterogeneity, and profit change using LTO-WVS, Glenn A. Gerecke, Capella University; Garvey House, Capella University.

Update: Economic growth and public debt: The case of Union County, North Carolina , Lisa A. Schwartz, Wingate University; Barry Cuffe, Wingate University; Peter Frank, Wingate University; Kristin Stowe, Wingate University; Jeffrey von Freymann, Wingate University.

Is baseball recession-proof?, Carl A. Kogut, University of Louisiana at Monroe; Paul S. Nelson, University of Louisiana at Monroe.

The role of regional factors in determining mortgage interest rates in the US, Nilufer Ozdemir, University Mississippi; Cuneyt Altinoz, Kaplan University.

Economic effect of transparency on output and inflation, John Davison Gondwe Nhavira, Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University; Matthew Kofi Ocran, Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University.

Volume 7 - February 2013   (order printed edition)

A long term approach to bilateral aid: The case of Germany, George Andreopoulos, City University of New York; Giuliana Campanelli Andreopoulos, William Paterson University; Alexandros Panayides, William Paterson University.

Using demographic heterogeneity and national culture indices for international TMT research, Glenn A. Gerecke, Capella University; Garvey House, Capella University.

Predictors of naked short selling: analyzing delivery failures in U.S. stock markets, Paul Ziegler, Anderson University; Terry Truitt, Anderson University.

Mobile technology adoption for microfinance delivery in Sub-Saharan Africa, Alice S. Etim, Winston Salem State University.

The U.S. Presidency and the Stock Market: A political relationship study of the market performance, Ray M. Valadez, Pepperdine University; Marshall D. Nickles, Pepperdine University.

Information systems program and business needs: Case study of a Midwestern University, Emmanuel U. Amadi, Capella University; Apiwan Born, Capella University.

Fiscal union or bust, Tarek Buhagiar, University of Central Florida.

The impact of production cost on first-mover advantages and time-to-market, Bin Shao, West Texas A & M University.

Perceptions of biometric experts on whether or not biometric modalities will combat identity fraud, Galaxy Samson Edo, Capella University; Sherri Nicole Braxton-Lieber, Capella University.

Impact of integrated marketing communications mix (IMCM) in small to medium enterprises (SMEs) in Zimbabwe as a marketing tool, Catherine Mazwi R. Tsikirayi, University of Zimbabwe; Blessing Muchenje, University of Zimbabwe; Zodeac Katsidzira, University of Zimbabwe.

The business density of employer micro firms in the United States, Falih M. Alsaaty, Bowie State University, Maryland.

The coming financial crisis: policy corrections needed, Warren Matthews, University of Phoenix.

Volume 6 - July 2012   (order printed edition)

A quantitative examination of perceived promotability of information security professionals with vendor-specific certifications versus vendor-neutral certifications, Greg Gleghorn, Capella University; Jean Gordon, Capella University.

Nonlinear mean-reversion in the real exchange rate: evidence from a panel of OECD countries, Hassan Shirvani, University of St Thomas; Natalya Delcoure, University of St Thomas.

Determinants of short-term debt financing, Richard H. Fosberg, William Paterson University.

Student loans: stated versus perceived attitudes, Arie Maharshak, ORT Braude College, Israel; David Pundak, ORT Braude College, Israel.

A view at the economic impact of financial predation, Olivier Mesly, University of Qu bec in Outaouais.

The effect of business transformation and innovation economics on sustainable corporate competitive advantage, William P. Creamer, Strayer University; Pesi Amaria, Management Consultants.

A comparison of qualitative and quantitative operationalizations of strategic management constructs , Tom J. Sanders, University of Montevallo.

Trend reversion in the velocity of money: some international evidence based on the STAR approach; Hassan Shirvani, University of St Thomas; Natalya Delcoure, University of St Thomas.

An Empirical Investigation of Arbitrage Pricing Theory: A case Zimbabwe; Petros Jecheche, University of Zimbabwe.

On the functional forms and stability of money demand: the U.S., Japan and Australia; Sokchea Lim, Southern Illinois University Carbondale; Channary Khun, Southern Illinois University Carbondale; Vichet Sum, University of Maryland Eastern Shore.

The determinants of trade in the Central African Economic and Monetary Union; Augustin Ntembe, Bowie State University; Regina Tawah, Bowie State University.

Special Eddition - May 2012
Florida Economic Symposium

Volume 5 - February 2012   (order printed edition)

The impact of macro-economic fluctuations on casino revenues in major U.S. gaming markets, Frank Flanegin, Robert Morris University; Stanko Racic, Robert Morris University; Denis P. Rudd, Robert Morris University.

The choice wave: An alternative description of consumer behavior, Rutherford Johnson, Consulting Economist.

The globalization of commercial banking ; James B. Bexley, Sam Houston State University; Paul Bond, Sam Houston State University; Bala Maniam, Sam Houston State University.

Credit easing and the recession of 2007 -2009 - Was it worth it?; Tarek Buhagiar, University of Central Florida.

Fear appeal theory; Kaylene C. Williams, California State University, Stanislaus.

The impact of changing diversification on stability and growth in a regional economy; Carl C. Brown, Florida Southern College.

Business cycle, corporate governance, and bank performance; Rong Guo, Columbus State University; Vicky Langston, Columbus State University; Linda Hadley, Columbus State University.

Can the coinsurance effect explain the diversification discount?; Rong Guo, Columbus State University.

Uniqueness of speculative capital flows and monetary policy responses in China (2007-2010); Priscilla Liang, California State University, Channel Islands.

Closing the achievement gap between high-poverty schools and low-poverty schools; J. Rody Borg, Jacksonville University; Mary O. Borg, University of North Florida; Harriet A. Stranahan, University of North Florida.

Tax reform and small business: the potential impact of flat tax legislation; Martin S. Bressler, Southeastern Oklahoma State University; Linda Bressler, University of Houston-Downtown; Darlene Serrato, Houston Baptist University.

The following paper has been withdrawn from publication for non-compliance with the AABRI Authorship and Originality Policy: Fiscal deficit-interest rate link: evidence from G5 countries; Douglas Abgetsiafa, Indiana University South Bend.

Volume 4 - August 2011   (order printed edition)

South Carolina retirement communities and in-migrating retirees long-term economic implications; Karen Hamilton, Georgia Southern University.

A Note on the Textbook Phillips Curve; Peter V. Bias, Florida Southern College.

Determinants of men s college basketball profit; Neil Terry, West Texas A&M University; Rex Pjseky, West Texas A&M University; Robin Patterson, West Texas A&M University.

Do federal budget deficits cause crowding out?; Tricia Coxwell Snyder, William Paterson University.

Commercial real estate (CRE) market next meltdown or recovery on the way?; Robert J. Lahm, Jr., Western Carolina University; Charles R.B. Stowe, Lander University; Patrick R. Geho, Middle Tennessee State University.

The role of the widening gap between the rich and the poor in the recent financial crises; Omid Furutan, University of La Verne.

The relation of prerecorded music media format and the U. S. recording industry piracy claims: 1972-2009; Gregory K. Faulk, Belmont University.

Sources and uses of financing in the U.S. Telecom industry; Dave Van Dorselaer, Sam Houston State University; Jonathan P. Breazeale, Sam Houston State University.

Integrating training in business strategies means greater impact of training on the firm s competitiveness ; Vichet Sum, University of Maryland Eastern Shore.

Understanding Asian-American businesses and their role in economic growth and development; Martin S. Bressler, Southeastern Oklahoma State University; Melissa Wiseman, Houston Baptist University.

Economic growth and energy consumption in an emerging economy: augmented granger causality approach; Rexford Abaidoo, University of Maryland Eastern Shore.

Optional risk sharing: avoiding ruthless behavior in the residential real estate market; Cynthia Rodriguez Cano, Georgia College & State University; Wesley Austin, University of Louisiana Lafayette; Renee J. Fontenot, Georgia College & State University.

Volume 3 - July 2011   (order printed edition)

FDI in central and eastern Europe: business environment and current FDI trends in Poland, Lucyna Kornecki, Embry Riddle Aeronautical University.

Reducing the cost of crime through volunteer citizen patrol and reserve police officers, James Larson, National University; Victor Lewis, National University; Kenneth Kay, National University; Chandrika Kelso, National University.

Does it take an economic recession to advance social entrepreneurship?, Paul van Putten II, Lynn University; Robert Green, Lynn University.

The financial crisis and its issues, James Bexley, Sam Houston State University; Joe James, Sam Houston State University; James Haberman, Sam Houston State University.

Factors leading to the U.S. housing bubble: a structural equation modeling approach, Jonathan Kohn, Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania; Sarah Bryant, Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania.

Modeling individuals deposit-withdrawal behaviors after receiving information on financial turmoil, Toshihiko Takemura, Kansai University; Takashi Kozu, Ricoh Institute of Sustainability and Business.

Firms capital structure decisions and product market competition: a theoretical approach, Cheulho Lee, Florida Memorial University.

Fantasyland revisited? Bank construction and development lending and the financial crisis, Fred Hays, University of Missouri-Kansas City; Sidne Gail Ward, University of Missouri-Kansas City.

The influence of corporate governance structure on executive pay, Suwina Cheng, Lingnan University; Gladie Lui, Lingnan University; Connie Shum, Pittsburg State University; Shuk Fong Ada Wong, Lingnan University.

Employment during the Great Recession: was this time different?, Bill Seyfried, Rollins College.

The creative university in the Thai creative economy, Paul TJ James, Bangkok University.

Supply and demand analysis of single-family residential units in Carroll County, Georgia, Nyerere Delauney, University of West Georgia; James Burton, University of West Georgia; Salil Talpade, University of West Georgia.

Special Eddition - May 2011
Florida Economic Symposium

Volume 2 - March 2010:   (order printed edition)

Recent evidence on residential electricity consumption determinants: a panel two-stage least squares analysis, 2002-2005, Richard J. Cebula, Armstrong Atlantic State University; Nate Herder, Armstrong Atlantic State University.

Alcohol abuse in the workplace: developing a workable plan of action, Pearl Jacobs, Sacred Heart University; Linda Schain, Hofstra University.

HR innovation and management training in agricultural processes: greenhouses in northern Chihuahua, Tom s J. Cuevas-Contreras, Universidad Aut noma de Ciudad Ju rez; Francisco Arturo Bribiescas-Silva, Universidad Aut noma de Ciudad Ju rez; Carmen Patricia Jim nez-Terrazas, Universidad Aut noma de Ciudad Ju rez; Blanca Lidia M rquez-Miramontes, Universidad Aut noma de Ciudad Ju rez; Carmen Lucila lvarez-Gonz lez, Universidad Aut noma de Ciudad Ju rez.

Minimizing the expected weighted number of tardy jobs with non-identically distributed processing times and due dates, Frank Forst, Loyola University Chicago.

Monetary policy and housing bubbles: a multinational perspective, William Seyfried, Rollins College.

The outbreak of avian influenza and chicken consumption in Thailand, Paitoon Kraipornsak, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand.

The ethical and non ethical funds: an age-cohort analysis, Angela Coscarelli, University of Calabria - Italy; Domenica Federico, University of Calabria - Italy; Antonella Notte, University of Calabria - Italy.

Organizational forms based on information & communication technologies (ICTs) adoption, Avraam Papastathopoulos, University of Patras; Christina Beneki, Technological Educational Institute of Ionian Islands.

From technological readiness to business sophistication through ICT applications, Claudia Ogrean,Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu, Romania; Mihaela Herciu, Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu, Romania; Lucian Belascu, Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu, Romania.

Modeling the U.S. Housing Bubble: An Econometric Analysis, Jonathan Kohn, Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania; Sarah Bryant, Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania.

Afro-Brazilian Women Entrepreneurs: Characteristics, Critical Issues and Current Comments, Andrea Smith-Hunter, Siena College; Joshua Leone, Siena College.

The biggest warrant auction in U.S. history, Linus Wilson, University of Louisiana at Lafayette.

Volume 1 - February 2010:   (order printed edition)

Voter Characteristics and Distance in Voting Patterns:Cecil Field NAS, J. Rody Borg,Jacksonville University; Colleen Powell, University of North Florida; Barry Thornton, Jacksonville University.

Effects of Retirement Communities on Local Job and Wage Growth, Karen Hamilton, Georgia Southern University.

SPATIAL ANALYSIS OF U.S. ETHANOL PRODUCTION, Frank Tenkorang, University of Nebraska at Kearney; Deborah Bridges, University of Nebraska at Kearney.

Entrepreneurship Education Trends, Todd Finkle, The University of Akron.

Financial Reporting in the Sarbanes-Oxley Era: Have Reforms Improved Earnings Quality?, Thomas Wilson, Jr., University of Louisiana at Lafayette.

Sales and Production Volume Variances in Standard Costing, John Parkinson, York University - Toronto.

Decomposition of the Change in the Gender Wage Gap, Jingyo Suh, Tuskegee University.

Analyzing Mutual Fund Performance Against Established Performance Benchmarks: A Test of Market Efficiency, Theodore Prince, Virginia Commonwealth University; Frank Bacon, Longwood University.

Fallout from the Sarbanes-Oxley Act are Private Companies and Nonprofits Next?, Elliott Levy, Bentley University.

A Market Impact Analysis of Soybean Technology Adoption, Edwin Clifford Mensah, University of North Carolina at Pembroke; Michael K. Wohlgenant, North Carolina State University.

Concentration, the Internet and Pricing of Bank Assets and Liabilities, Fred Hays, University of Missouri-Kansas City; Stephen DeLurgio, University of Missouri-Kansas City; Arthur Gilbert, University of West Florida.

The Dynamics of Internal and External Debts: Further Evidence From The Middle East and North Africa, Nozar Hashemzadeh, Radford University; Ernie Wade., Radford University.

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